No. 33 (2021): Trocadero. Revista del Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Arte
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In memory of María José de la Pascua Sánchez (1956-2021)
Sports and urban space in Jerez de la Frontera during The Modern Age
Saints by choice. The social response of the patronage of Melchor de Cuellar in Cadiz in the eighteen century
Snow supply of the Eighteen Century Seville
The Cadiz stage of the composer Miguel Jurado Bustamante
a copy of the mihrab of the Mosque of Cordoba at The Universal Exhibition of 1878 in Paris
On the Black Hand. The Espera (Cádiz) Association of the FTRE and the vision of the press
Water, power and industrialization in a mediterranean city: The "Light Factories" and the first electrification (Elche, 1889-1910)
The indiciary paradigm, hemerographic sources and the alleges swallow emigration from the Canary Islands to Cuba
Francisco Ugalde Pardo (1901-1978), editorial cartoonist. From portatrist of the life in Zaragoza to theatre cartoonist
The limits of traditionalists mobilisation in Huelva province: From The Second Republic to The Civil War (1931-1937)
Pinceles olvidados. Mujeres artistas (siglos X-XVI)
Tapices flamencos en Badajoz. Humanismo, naturaleza y simbología
Mondoñedo, 1550-1800. Arquitectura y urbanismo de una sede episcopal
Negociación, lágrimas y maldiciones: la fiscalidad extraordinaria en la Monarquía Hispánica, 1620-1814. Ciudad de México: Colección de Historia Económica, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora,