Estudio correlacional entre el Trastorno por Déficit de Naturaleza, estudiado a partir del concepto de identidad ambiental y la hiperconectividad en estudiantes de 6º de Educación Primaria



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Investigaciones sobre y para la práctica en EA y S
Published: 31-07-2024


  • Luis Juárez Alonso (ES) Orientador Educativo en Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.


Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) has been the foreground in some scientific research and states the importance of necessary contact with nature for a healthy development of students. However, in recent years, the instant availability of accessing any information through technological resources has been a major contributing factor to the decrease in the need to go out, thus generating a sedentary life pattern.The main objective of this study is to discover whether there is a relationship between NND and hyperconnectivity. ninety-six 6th grade Primary School pupils took part in the study and completed the Environmental Identity Scale (EID) and the Screen Abuse Questionnaire (CAP). The results of this study demonstrate that in urban areas, students with a stronger environmental identity tend to become less addicted to digital content. It can be confirmed that growing up in a rural area adds 0,368 more to environmental identity.



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