To dance you have to know how to move in (social) space

Family strategies, the influence of capital, and the geographic-sociospatial dynamics in the configuration of the socio-educational trajectory



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The objective of this work is to know the configuration of a particular socio-educational trajectory, based on its embeddedness in a specific family unit within the border city of Tijuana, Mexico. The research is qualitative and the information was collected through a semi-structured interview with a key informant from a family unit, which is why it represents a case study. Emphasis was placed on family strategies and capital reconversion processes, as well as the influence of the geographic-sociospatial dynamics in which these social relations are embedded. Thus, generating a dispositional characterization. In addition, homologies were established between the socio-educational trajectories of the family unit and the importance of self-determination in terms of the direction of the trajectory was highlighted, at the same time, it became evident how knowing-how is privileged over knowing-knowing. Likewise, it was noted that the influences of geographical proximity turn out to be a key element. Finally, it is concluded that within the configuration of a particular socio-educational trajectory, different variables influence, and although there is not one that constitutes the determining factor, the relative weight of the importance of these varies according to the reference point of the trajectory. which allows us to emphasize the high dynamism and complexity within which the social relations of socio-educational trajectories are carried out and inscribed.



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How to Cite

Iriarte Moreno, E. (2024). To dance you have to know how to move in (social) space: Family strategies, the influence of capital, and the geographic-sociospatial dynamics in the configuration of the socio-educational trajectory. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(12). Retrieved from


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