Multiple intelligences and specialization
A return to Gardner and the wisdom of rethinking psychology in Hillmanian transparency
In 1983, 40 years ago, Howard Gardner published 'Farmae Mentis' - an essay that was destined to revolutionise the psychological approach to intelligence and, from there, to greatly influence the world of educational research (and practice) worldwide. Some twenty years after its publication, some research has highlighted certain shortcomings of Gardner's theoretical framework, particularly on the basis of the ex post results of that psychology which relied - often excessively and uncritically - on these assumptions, or worse, claimed to be based only on these theses. Forty years after this research, and some twenty years after the criticism of Gardner, it is possible to return to the theory of multiple intelligences, above all by accepting Hillman's criticism that 'psychology has become so caught up in the letter of subtlety that it is now seeking a way out in stupidity. For until now it has confused precision with measurement, discrimination with segmentation, refinement with technology, and differentiation with compartmentalisation'. What emerges - as a need of our time - is a more 'colourful' world, and among these colours (the intelligences described by Gardner, for example) an infinity of mixtures and nuances: this is the world of multiple intelligences, which by their very nature cannot have functional localism, cannot have unambiguous labels, cannot be measured for all with the same yardstick, since each one has its own individual kaleidoscope.
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