The Anglo-Saxon women and their feminist legacy: An English Didactic Guide on Anglo-Saxon-women aimed at Secondary Education students

“Miradas” María Jesús Bernal (Ati Bernal)


Article abstract page views:  893  


Sección 3: Experiencias, reseñas, debates, informes
Published: 20-05-2021



This summary, resulting from the final work of the Master’s degree in Education, consists of an English Didactic Guide on Anglo-Saxon women aimed at Secondary Education students. We have designed a wide range of teaching resources in English in order to encourage the study of the feminist history. In the search of their gender identity, students will explore the female realm so as to extol the feminist values. This Didactic Guide has been focused on sixteen Anglo-Saxon women since they broke down boundaries of gender, race, culture and status, standing for sisterhood as well as offering a fairer depiction of women. Therefore, it promotes not only the English language development but also cultural awareness and understanding. Besides, all these materials can be used in bilingual education through non-linguistic disciplines which deal with this topic. 



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How to Cite

Marín del Ojo, P. (2021). The Anglo-Saxon women and their feminist legacy: An English Didactic Guide on Anglo-Saxon-women aimed at Secondary Education students. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, (9). Retrieved from


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