Results of research: impact of the socio-educational intervention in women with situation of prostitution in Seville



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Sección 3: Experiencias, reseñas, debates, informes
Published: 01-06-2021



The aim of our work is to provide the results of the research carried out recently in the city of Seville, on the impact of the socio-educational intervention on women engaged in prostitution activity. We carry out the development of a theoretical framework and the design and development of the methodological procedure. To achieve the objectives of our study we need to find out the different aspects related to the training experience, the influence of the socio-educational intervention in personal, psychological and social improvement; and reaching the job improvement in some cases. We feel necessary to know about learning aspects of these disadvantaged groups; their educational and social needs; to find out which learning processes, as well as content, help them improve their current living conditions, to overcome gender discrimination, the inequality, the stigma created socially and historically and to achieve empowerment.



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How to Cite

López Gutiérrez, V. (2021). Results of research: impact of the socio-educational intervention in women with situation of prostitution in Seville. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(3). Retrieved from


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