Experiencias e iniciativas para prevenir la Violencia de Género entre adolescentes

“Educando en Igualdad”. Plan de Igualdad del IES Castillo de Fatetar, Espera (Cádiz)



Article abstract page views:  267  


Sección 1: Ensayos
Published: 21-06-2021



The purpose of this article is to present the experiences and initiatives carried out with students from IES Castle Fatetar in the prevention of domestic violence through the targets set in the Plan for Equality Center. The project is called "Educating for Equality". It has been designed to bring about changes in attitudes, knowledge and skills of teenage students; The aim of the project is to dispel myths and misconceptions underlying the phenomenon of gender violence; and train students to detect and recognize the physical, psychological and sexual abuse.


Equality Plan, Adolescence, Experiences, Workshops, Prevention, Gender Violence.


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How to Cite

Pérez Sabio, Z. (2021). Experiencias e iniciativas para prevenir la Violencia de Género entre adolescentes: “Educando en Igualdad”. Plan de Igualdad del IES Castillo de Fatetar, Espera (Cádiz). Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/ReSed/article/view/7987


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