Trans-formative identity. The case of a transgender and ASD adolescent, from the therapeutic approach of Alpha Therapy

The case of a transgender and ASD adolescent, from the therapeutic approach of Alpha Therapy



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The objectives of this article are focused on the case study of a transgender adolescent with Asperger's Syndrome. This case is focused on the psychological approach of Alpha Therapy, with their respective stages. The methodology of this text is qualitative, specifically from the interpretive approach of symbolic interactionism to understand the articulating concepts of the analysis: body, perception, and reality. Among the conclusions, we reached that there is an interdependence between these concepts, based on the duality of identities presented by the subject, all functioning as a system on which the development of the therapeutic process and the individual himself are sustained.



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Chávez Turello, A. L., & Arce Rudón , E. . (2022). Trans-formative identity. The case of a transgender and ASD adolescent, from the therapeutic approach of Alpha Therapy: The case of a transgender and ASD adolescent, from the therapeutic approach of Alpha Therapy. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(10). Retrieved from


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