Homophobia in the Valencian classrooms



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This research aims to provide an insight into the situation of the classrooms in the province of Valencia in relation to homophobia. This is a descriptive investigation that has used as its main instrument a questionnaire created ad hoc and manually completed by the participants.

This study is the result of the analysis of 7.365 surveys completed by students, prior to the intervention of the LAMBDA collective in the classrooms, during the period from 2015 to 2018. Through them, information on the perception of students in relation to affective-sexual and gender diversity in schools was collected. The overall results  identify a positive attitude towards LGBTI people. However, cognitive, affective, behavioral and institutional homophobia is also found in students. There are differences between genders, women show a more positive attitude towards sexual and gender diversity than men. Based on these results, we consider important to take into account gender variable for training students to deal with all types of homophobia and intolerance by gender.



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How to Cite

Renovell-Rico, S., Vidal Prades, E. D., & Ortega Leal, M. P. (2022). Homophobia in the Valencian classrooms. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(10). Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/ReSed/article/view/8626


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