Experiencias de coeducación en Cataluña: explorando facilitadores y resistencias



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The current renewed rise of feminisms is placing the issue of gender inequalities in the different spheres of society, including education, at the centre of the debate. With a national and regional regulatory framework that contemplates coeducation, and a global discursive framework that increasingly positions it as a priority, many educational centres carry out coeducation practices. Based on 15 discussion groups with representatives of the students, the teachers, the school leaders, and the families and the environment of 12 public secondary schools in Catalonia, this article aims to explore the agency of these centres in terms of the development of coeducational practices and, more specifically, to identify what factors emerge as drivers or limitations for its implementation. The results are articulated around the four main agents (students, teachers, school leaders, and families and environment), and show that most of the identified factors can be both driving or limiting forces depending on their absence or presence.



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Llos Casadellà, B., Gavaldà Elias, X., & Caravaca Hernández, A. (2022). Experiencias de coeducación en Cataluña: explorando facilitadores y resistencias. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(10). Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/ReSed/article/view/8639


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