Sewage disposal in the city of the medieval Muslim West according to Malikite sources



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Published: 15-12-2014



Basing on jurisprudence books, we deduced that Malikite Jurisprudents did not have big interest in the issue of drinkable water. They on the other hand, focalized on the extent of purity or impurity of water. To drain water, they distinguished between two essential sorts: rainwater and waste water. To drain this latter in the street, they imposed the use of canals. Muslims, especially the western medieval ones, used uncovered canals in the town and also covered ones. Still this type was not deep and wide enough. For this reason and many others, it constantly gets blocked. This urged them to use cesspools. From this perspective, we can speak about alienation and breaking between the Islamic and Roman era.



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How to Cite

HENTATI, N. (2014). Sewage disposal in the city of the medieval Muslim West according to Malikite sources. Al-Andalus Magreb, (21), 23–55. Retrieved from


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