Análisis y relatos de experiencias de comunicación participativa en radios comunitarias en India / Analysis and Reports of Participatory Communication Experiences in Community Radios in India



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From a critical perspective of communication for development and social change and taking as a reference a new look at the Communicology of Liberation of Luis Ramiro Beltrán (1981), this presentation analyses experiences and models of horizontal communication of community radios in India. It aims at knowing from the practice, the ways in which previously excluded and silenced communities are being engaged in the communication process. This paper presents the results of a study on community participation in participative communication practices initiated by three community radios in India. This analysis tries to reflect the various ways in which the three radio stations approach the process of two-way communication with the populations and communities they serve.



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How to Cite

Landaburu, A. (2017). Análisis y relatos de experiencias de comunicación participativa en radios comunitarias en India / Analysis and Reports of Participatory Communication Experiences in Community Radios in India. Commons. Revista De Comunicación Y Ciudadanía Digital, 6(2), 54–77. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Amaia Landaburu, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

Doctoranda en Educación y Comunicación Social, y Máster de Investigación en Periodismo de la Universidad de Málaga. Investigadora del Laboratorio de Comunicación y Cultura COMandalucía de la Universidad de Málaga.


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