A review of Goya's Caprichos in the Semanario Patriótico (1811) and Gallardo's Diccionario. A note



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A review of Goya's Caprichos appeared in the Semanario Patriótico (newspaper published in 1811 in Cádiz). Its author, from Bartolomé José Gallardo's circle, interprets them as a hard moral satire. That same year the Diccionario crítico-burlesco was published. In both works there are numerous coincidences, such as the use of satire, the strong anticlericalism or their criticism againstt the Inquisition. Is that just a coincidence?


Goya, Caprichos, Gallardo, Napoleonic War, satire.


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How to Cite

Romero Ferrer, A. (2020). A review of Goya’s Caprichos in the Semanario Patriótico (1811) and Gallardo’s Diccionario. A note. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (26), 601–609. https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_Ilus_romant.2020.i26.28

Author Biography

Alberto Romero Ferrer, codirector

Alberto Romero Ferrer is Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Cádiz. He specialises in Spanish theatre as well as the relationship between politics and literature in the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. He is currently the principal investigator of a research project on the Hispanic imaginary and the literary culture of exile, with a particular focus on drama.

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