Optimization of university learning through the generation of integrated educational resources on Web 2.0 by students of Biochemistry and Pharmacy




Experiences, resources and other work
Published: 14-05-2024



In the knowledge society, digital environments have become an integral part of students' daily lives. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize web 2.0 in the teaching and learning process. In this educational experience, the integration of digital resources from the social web was explored as part of learning a specific academic topic in the classroom. The responsible individuals for designing, producing, and publishing these resources were Biochemistry and Pharmacy students in their fourth semester at an Ecuadorian university. As a result of this project, nine digital resources were created, with those related to social media being the most prominent. Additionally, positive and high ratings were obtained from the students, indicating their willingness to embrace the integration of digital resources in the social web. These findings provide practical guidelines and relevant considerations for enhancing education through the use of the social web, thereby benefiting the learning process of university students.



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