General relativity in primary and secondary education: a systematic review



Science education today
Published: 27-05-2024



General relativity is a theory that has been reported more frequently in the media in recent years due to discoveries in astrophysics and cosmology, such as the detection of gravitational waves and images of black holes. However, this theory is scarcely taught in primary and secondary education despite its validity and applicability in various areas. This work aims to analyze the incorporation of general relativity in these educational levels. Thus, the PRISMA protocol is applied in a systematic review of scientific articles between 2012 and 2022, provided by databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, and Dialnet. Research articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese were selected to account for pedagogical interventions addressing concepts and applications of general relativity for the training of primary and secondary education students. Forty-three studies were analyzed in which qualitative and quantitative treatments of this theory are carried out, and the teaching of concepts such as curved space-time, black holes, and gravitational waves are highlighted. The analysis led us to conclude that there is a preference for a qualitative treatment of the concepts of general relativity. Besides, various didactic resources are identified for its teaching in primary and secondary education. Finally, updating science curricula is emphasized by introducing general relativity to achieve holistic and contextualized learning.



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