Experiences lived in Radio Nikosia: semantic change and protagonism in mental health



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Published: 01-11-2019


  • Liana Cristina Dalle Vecchia Pereira (BR) Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina


The objective of this essay was to analyze the experiences lived in Socio Cultural Association Radio Nikosia in Barcelona, ​​Spain, to understand what meanings were built in the lives of people diagnosed with mental disorder from their participation in Radio Nikosia. It is a group democratically organized by assembly and communication instances with the realization of a radio program, workshops and urban interventions. Its proposal is to create spaces for interaction and social listening that enhance the autonomy and dignification of people, mainly those affected by the diagnosis. The experiences narrated by Nikosians allowed to understand that their participation in this collective made it possible to assume the protagonism of their lives, with significant semantic changes in their identities, expanding the relationships, the roles assumed and the perspectives when expressing their reflections in assemblies, radio programs and other spaces.


Mental health, Radio Nikosia, experiences, protagonism.


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How to Cite

Pereira, L. C. D. V. (2019). Experiences lived in Radio Nikosia: semantic change and protagonism in mental health. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (19), 13–24. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2019.v2.i19.3


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