An unnecessary war. chinese medicine: ¿science or superstition?



Article abstract page views:  597  



Published: 01-11-2019



Despite the resounding recommendations in favor of Chinese medicine by the World Health Organization from 1979, we face one of the moments in which the therapeutic tools of Chinese medicine and its whole body of knowledge are questioned with greater severity. Making a brief comparison of the historical path to which both Western and Chinese medicine have been subjected, and the analysis of the current situation of Chinese medicine in the health systems of China and other Asian countries as well as in the West, it is intended establish an observation on differences in knowledge development that have resulted in such disparate approaches. Attempts to approach these approaches today from the hegemony of one of the points of view on the other, are a pretext of discord and struggle, instead of constituting the horizons of the new challenge in terms of extending the limits of the science called to its evolution.



Chinese medicine, science, superstition, history.


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How to Cite

López Bienvenido, E. (2019). An unnecessary war. chinese medicine: ¿science or superstition?. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (19), 67–73.


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