The new socialization: TV screen and touch technologies. Communicative behaviors of children 3-6 years old between ethical and methodological issues and educational strategies



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Published: 01-11-2015



The contribution deals with some key issues related to the age group that is least explored in sociological and communicative scientific literature, the pre-school children (3-6 years). The consideration starts from some stimulation provided by an ongoing research conducted at the Department of Communication and Social Research of “Sapienza”- University of Rome, in collaboration with other universities and Italian enterprises. In particular, the article aims to provide some scenarios related to communicative behaviours of preschool children and the repercussions in terms of socialization and cognitive development. Among the technologies of communication, we selected the ones we consider have the greatest impact on the lifestyle of families and, therefore, also of children: from television, up to the new devices based on touch screens such as smartphones and tablets. But the problems that arise before testing the interfaces and the digital environments to be integrated within the educational context, the school in primis, are many: it should be considered many issues related to methodology, but also the delicate ethical issues posed by a sensitive world such as that one of the early childhood.


Digital media, preschool children, socialization and cognitive development, educational context


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How to Cite

Gavrila, M., & Morcellini, M. (2015). The new socialization: TV screen and touch technologies. Communicative behaviors of children 3-6 years old between ethical and methodological issues and educational strategies. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (11), 43–62.


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