Reflections on the potential of YouTube for teaching and learning a Foreign Language



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Published: 01-05-2014


  • Lucía-Pilar Cancelas Ouviña (ES) Universidad de Cádiz
  • José Manuel Herrera Barba (ES) Universidad de Cádiz


We are part of the society which we are living in. Undoubtedly, it is changing. The results are that ways of communication, attitudes, interaction relationships, daily manners are changing nowadays. Thus, the profile of students are also changing. Students, nowadays, are exposed to electronic devices most of the time, since they are closely related, they are part of their lives. By taking advantage of this interaction, it is thought that the inclusion of electronic devices and a different methodology could improve student's learning process, since it may act as a motivating aspect along the process. Thus, we provide some reflections on the presence and usefulness of the resources on YouTube along the teaching/learning process of a Foreign Language, as well as other tools, channels and websites created with educational purposes following YouTube's steps.


You Tube, education - learning, foreign language, means


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How to Cite

Cancelas Ouviña, L.-P., & Herrera Barba, J. M. (2014). Reflections on the potential of YouTube for teaching and learning a Foreign Language. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (8), 71–81.


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