Learning, ICT, Peace Education – a project of Education for Development
This article is the end result of a doctoral thesis on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In this dissertation we have built bridges between education development and the following areas: education technologies, learning as social participation and Educating for Peace (transformative “positive peace”). The research goal aims to deepen an understanding of how teachers and educators learn within a highly technological environment. Two methodological focuses were set out: participative research and ethnography. In the first part of this article we shall make a brief reference to theoretical framework upon which the research was founded. In the second part, we shall establish the methodological approaches used in this work, and we shall briefly describe the first cycle of active participative research. In the section entitled “on-line collaboration projects”, the second phase of the research project active participative research, we shall explain how these projects were realized and how new technologies were mediating tools of knowledge.
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