Company of the risk, Mass media and Latin bands. But good! do not you read the newspapers?



Article abstract page views:  392  


Published: 01-11-2010


  • Gabriel Robles Gavira (ES) Universidad de Nacional de Educación a Distancia


The problem with Latin gangs is sufficiently relevant to dedicate space for different reasons: because of the delinquency and the violence they generate; because of their relationship with the largest immigrant group in Spain, South-Americans; because of the socio-demographic characteristics of their protagonists; because of the racist and xenophobic behaviours they could cause in the native population and because of the synergies originated between the special features of the phenomenon and the social dynamics in the context of modernity. This paper will try to analyse a concrete aspect of the phenomenon, Mass Media (written press) it´s role on social construction of representations, images and perceptions created about immigrants and juvenile Latin gangs. Relationships that exist between the construction of facts in Mass Media and the social characteristics that have arisen around the late modernity crisis, above all, the concept of a society at risk and the collective fear of Latin gangs, as a part of a wider problem of the immigration phenomenon 


Society at Risk, Mass Media, Immigration, Latin Gangs


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How to Cite

Robles Gavira, G. (2010). Company of the risk, Mass media and Latin bands. But good! do not you read the newspapers?. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (1), 43–55. Retrieved from


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