Política de retractación

During the publication process, even afterwards, if an author identifies an important error or inaccuracy in his/her article, he/she should communicate it to the editors of the journal and provide them with all the necessary information for its modification and to replace the error in the article. For this purpose, the guidelines established by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-guias-para-la-retractacion.pdf ) should be followed:


An errata notice will be issued when it is necessary to correct an error or omission made by the journal after publication that may affect the publication record or the reputation of the authorship or the journal, but where the scholarly integrity of the article remains intact.

All errors will be accompanied by a separate notice. The notice should provide clear details of the error and the changes that have been made to the paper.

In these circumstances:

The article will be corrected.

A note will be added at the end of the article with reference to the erratum notice.

A separate erratum or correction notice linked to the corrected version will be published.

The erratum or correction document will be paginated and with DOI.


 A correction notice will be produced when it is necessary to correct an error or omission made by the authors that affects the publication record or the reputation of the authorship or the journal, but where the scholarly integrity of the article remains intact.

All errors will be accompanied by a separate notice. The notice should provide clear details of the error and the changes that have been made to the paper. In these circumstances:

The article will be corrected.

An endnote will be added to the article with reference to the correction notice.

A separate erratum or correction notice linked to the corrected version will be published.

The erratum or correction document will be paginated and with DOI.


 A notice of retraction will be published when a major error invalidates the conclusions of the article, or when there has been research misconduct or publication misconduct. Authorships may request retraction of their articles if their reasons meet the criteria for retraction.

Retraction will be considered:

If there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication or image manipulation) or error (e.g., computational error or experimental error).

Whether the findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification (e.g., cases of redundant publication or duplicate publication).

Whether the research constitutes plagiarism.

If there is evidence of fraudulent authorship.

Whether there is evidence of compromised peer review.

If there is evidence of unethical research and violations of professional ethical codes.

When a decision has been made to retract an article:

A watermark 'article retracted' will be added to the published version of the article record.

Article retracted: [article title] will be placed in front of the article title.

A separate retraction statement, entitled 'Retraction: [article title]', will be published and linked to the retracted article. This note shall be signed by the editors of the journal.

The retraction statement will be paginated and assigned a DOI.

Article Deletion

 Removal of an article will be carried out in exceptional circumstances where the problems are of a very serious nature and cannot be addressed by a correction or retraction notice.

This will only occur:

Where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes other legal rights.

When an article is subject to a court order.

Where the article, if not acted upon, could pose a serious health risk.

In the event that an article is removed, the metadata (authorship and title) will be maintained and the text will be replaced by a document stating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.

To this end, the journal adheres to CrossRef's CrossMark application, which verifies the current, authenticated official version of an editorial content, listing changes since publication. By applying the CrossMark logo to the metadata and pdf file, Hachetetepé commits to maintaining the content it publishes and alerting readers to changes as they occur. With a single click, you can see if content has been updated, corrected or removed, and access additional valuable member-provided metadata, such as important publication dates and authors' ORCIDs.