Thematization in the oral interaction of Slovene students of SFL: the case of hanging topic
Although Spanish is particularly rich in information structuring resources, whose use reflects the linguistic and the pragmatic competence of the learner, the presence of information structure in the Spanish as a Foreign Language guidelines still seems to be scarce and fragmentary. In order to contribute to a more systematic treatment of its mechanisms, especially thematization, we analyse the oral interventions of a sample of Slovene university students of SFL and examine the communicative purposes with which they use the hanging topic mechanism. In the study, we first define the hanging topic’s structural, informational and discoursive traits in Spanish, along with briefly describing the situation in Slovene, and we then investigate which place it occupies in SFL. Finally, we analyse the PRACOMUL corpus of oral discourse to study the discourse functions recognized in this mechanism by the Slovene students of SFL and we observe that, although they don’t resort to it frequently, they are able to use it with organisational and interactive purposes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vita Veselko, Barbara Pihler Ciglič
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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