Strategic Self-Disclosure: interpersonal competence of female romantic communication in American media dating culture



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Published: 01-12-2019



The paper focuses on strategic Self-Disclosure within female communication in American dating culture. The strategic Self-Disclosure affects mutual dyadic interest and romantic relationship outcomes in media dating behaviour. To increase the chances of the communicative effectiveness the strategic ways are explored, namely what should be said (semantics) and how it should be said (discourse features via verbal means). The strategic ways are implemented by feminine communicative moves sourced from an American dating show “The Bachelor” (2012-2018). They are aimed at achieving the communicative intention - to awaken the male addressee’s interest and curiosity by intentionally revealing personal information. The cross-cultural awareness of the strategic Self-Disclosure is mutually beneficial for both native speakers and non-native speakers helping easily to overcome the communication barriers and develop the greater self-confidence of romantic partners.



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How to Cite

Romaniuk, O. (2019). Strategic Self-Disclosure: interpersonal competence of female romantic communication in American media dating culture. Pragmalingüística, (27), 308–327.


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