Impoliteness in Facebook comments related to election news of and La Nación in Costa Rica’s election process of 2018
Social media has become a space where the communicative practices involved in face to face communication have been transferred. This is the reason why a new area of pragmatics has been proposed, which is called cyberpragmatics, that pretends to study the language in its cybernetic context. From this proposal, the objective of this investigation is to analyze the impoliteness in the comments on Facebook related to election news of and La Nación during Costa Rica’s election process of 2018. In order to obtain the results, the classification proposed by Halim (2015) was used. From the analysis, it was revealed that condescension, criticism or complaint, and insults were the most used strategies by the users. Finally, the conclusion is that the users of this social network take advantage of the communicative situation to generate a great amount of impolite comments and attack the other.
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