Similarities and differences in the linguistic deficit of two huntingtonian cases with similar medical variables



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Published: 03-09-2020


  • Víctor Manuel Martín Sánchez (ES) Universidad de Cádiz


Many medical manuals provide information to diagnose patients and define their stage of evolution. However, the information in these reports is not always useful for speech therapists because they offer scarce linguistic data about the patient. This is compounded by the problem that different patients with the same diagnosis do not have to present the same symptoms. To solve this problem we propose the existence of a figure of an expert in the language that develops a clinical linguistic report of each patient. The objectives are to know the linguistic behavior of two huntington patients who are in the same stage of evolution; extract linguistic data that are not presented in the neurological reports and establish a comparison to clarify the similarities and differences between both. Therefore, we provide a clinical linguistic analysis, through spontaneous and guided conversation, of two huntingtonian patients with the same medical and sociolinguistic variables.



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How to Cite

Martín Sánchez, V. M. (2020). Similarities and differences in the linguistic deficit of two huntingtonian cases with similar medical variables. Pragmalingüística, (2), 241–256.


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