Dialectology in the training of speech therapists: the case of the spanish of Peru



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Published: 03-09-2020


  • John Castro Torres (PE) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


This contribution is to describe the role played by knowledge about dialectology in the training of speech therapists in Peru. For this reflection, the graduates of the PUCP-CPAL Master's programs will be taken as an analysis sample. For this reason, the path of knowledge about linguistics followed by our future graduates will be addressed before reaching, specifically, dialectology. First, they should be aware of the concepts with which speech is described, both those who suffer disorders and those who do not; then, they will assume the descriptivist scientific attitude demanded by linguistics; and, finally, they should know the different ways in which Spanish is spoken in Peru, knowledge that dialectology provides. For this purpose, this work presents a description of the Vademécum Comparativo Variedad Dialectal-Trastorno (VCVT).



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How to Cite

Castro Torres, J. (2020). Dialectology in the training of speech therapists: the case of the spanish of Peru. Pragmalingüística, (2), 89–99. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2020.iextra2.05


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