The representation of Spanish in the linguistic landscape of Getafe: a counter-normative and metalinguistic awareness space



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Published: 01-12-2023



The linguistic landscape is a dialectical field that confronts languages, varieties and alternatives dissenting with respect to grammatical and orthographic norms. This paper presents the results of an investigation carried out in the Madrid municipality of Getafe. From a corpus of photographs, we analyze the main linguistic strategies used in texts in Spanish in the public road, as the morphological manipulation to generate innovative lexicon or the simplification of phonemographic correspondences. These techniques would not be possible without a knowledge of standard Spanish. The analysed texts imply the consideration of a metalinguistic awareness that understands the Spanish language as a fluid process in continuous construction.



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How to Cite

Pinto Pajares, D. (2023). The representation of Spanish in the linguistic landscape of Getafe: a counter-normative and metalinguistic awareness space. Pragmalingüística, (31), 387–406.


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