About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Revista Educación Ambiental y Sostenibilidad (REAyS) aims to promote the development of knowledge in the field of environmental education (EE) and education for sustainability (S), both at a theoretical and applied level. Its aim is to contribute from the realm of educational research towards a more sustainable world, that is to say, a world with higher environmental quality, that is more socially fair, and with an equitable and viable economy in the long term.

Its works will cover the entire spectrum of the education system, as well as research associated with training processes in non-formal or extra-academic contexts. Special emphasis will be given to studies geared towards the training of educators and the consolidation of a body of knowledge to support and guide this training.

The three main strands of REAyS will be: a) to contribute to the research and development in the fields of knowledge as described above; b) to promote the advancement of environmental education and education for sustainability; (c) to enable and enhance the professional development processes of educators.

To this end, REAyS is divided into five sections:

  1. Foundations in EE & S: Targeted to studies on theoretical, methodological and epistemological foundations leading to the development of knowledge within this field.
  2. Training of professionals in EE & S research: Aimed at researching the training processes of professionals in the field of Environmental Education and Sustainability in both formal and non-formal contexts, with the intention of consolidating a body of knowledge on which to base this training.
  3. Research and practice in EE & S: Geared towards publicising research developed in the practice of the design and use of resources in the different fields and contexts of Environmental Education and Sustainability.
  4. La Rendija: Designed to analyse and reflect on particularly topical issues and, to a certain extent, with a focus on the repercussions of Environmental Education and Sustainability.
  5. Reviews: Information on different types of publications and works of particular relevance to Environmental and Sustainability Education may be included.

Articles submitted to REAyS should be addressed to one of these sections. However, the REAyS editorial team will assess them and ultimately decide which of them is the most appropriate for each paper.

Peer Review Process

Revista de Educación Ambiental y Sostenibilidad publishes original manuscripts in Spanish and Portuguese, on topics related to Environmental Education and Sustainability.

The proposals submitted for publication for the sections "Fundamentos en EA y S", "Formación de profesionales en EA y S", "Investigaciones sobre y para la práctica en EA y S" and "La Rendija" will be examined in advance of publication by members of the Editorial Board, who will analyse their suitability regarding the journal's profile. Papers which are considered to fit with the journal's profile will undergo a review process by two anonymous reviewers, who may or may not be members of the journal's advisory board. The journal follows a double-blind review procedure. Authors should therefore omit their names and affiliations from the article, although they should be included in the submission metadata. Authors must also ensure that, in self-citations, anonymity is appropriately preserved, and will be responsible for reinserting the corresponding citations and references once the article has been accepted.

Frequency of publication

The journal publishes two issues a year, which appear in June (no. 1) and December (no. 2).

The publication date of each issue corresponds to the first day of the corresponding month of publication. However, the journal tries to follow a continuous article publication system by including the articles that are accepted as a pre-print immediately after their approval.

Open access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps to increase the global exchange of knowledge.

Authors may retain copyright by granting the journal the right of first publication. The journal will allow authors non-commercial use of the work, including the right to place it in an open access archive in institutional repositories or on publicly accessible personal web pages. They may also include the final version of their accepted manuscripts prior to publication.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License.

Code of Ethics and Good Publishing Practice Guidelines

Revista de Educación Ambiental y Sostenibilidad (REAyS) is a publication aimed at teachers and researchers from different educational levels and fields, both in formal and non-formal contexts linked to Environmental Education and Sustainability. The REAyS editorial team believes that the duty of any scientific journal is to ensure the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, guaranteeing scientific rigour and quality, with a high ethical commitment. We therefore adopt as reference the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals established by the Publications Ethics Committee (More information).

Guidelines for reviewers

Articles that are candidates for publication in the journal will be evaluated by two external and anonymous reviewers. Each reviewer must carefully read the manuscript and issue a justified and reasoned report stating whether or not it is suitable for publication, including suggestions and guidelines for improvement if deemed necessary. View complete guidelines here.

For the sections ""Fundamentos en EA y S"", "Formación de profesionales en EA y S" and "Investigaciones sobre y para la práctica en EA y S", the following items will be analysed:

  1. Clarity, relevance and novelty of the topic and problem under study.
  2. Background and bibliography: description of the theoretical framework; background information; depth, variety and currentness of citations; conformity of citations and end-text references with the journal's standards, etc.
  3. Methodology used for data collection and analysis (only in the case of research using empirical data): appropriateness of the methodology used for the problem studied; level of detail in the description of the methodology; consistency of the design with the problem studied, etc.
  4. Description of the didactic proposal (only when the manuscript deals with some kind of educational approach): clarity of the proposal; consistency with current trends; level of description, degree of specification, etc
  5. Results: quality of the procedure for the presentation and interpretation of results, or, where appropriate, degree of detail regarding the implementation of the didactic proposal.
  6. Structure of the discussion: consistency and relevance of the arguments put forward; justification of the allegations made; cohesiveness of the overall guiding theme of the article; ample discussion of the data and details presented, etc.
  7. Conclusions and prospects for continuity: consistency of the formulation of conclusions with the content and overall substantive matter of the article; degree of interest of the conclusions; relationship between the conclusions and the problem or the object of study; connection with future lines of innovation or research; implications for educational/dissemination practice.
  8. Drafting, grammatical correctness: clarity of the text; grammatical correctness; suitability of the summary; suitability of the title and key words, etc.
  9. Format, presentation and length: compliance of the manuscript with the journal's standards; usefulness and quality of the illustrations used (figures, tables); readability of the manuscript; appropriate length, etc.
  10. Other issues not covered in the previous points.

For the "La Rendija" section, the elements examined will be:

  1. Relevance of the paper for Environmental Education and Sustainability
  • Significance, justification, originality of the topic discussed.
  • Suitability of the subject matter and its relationship with previous works, if any.
  • Accuracy in bibliographical citations, if any (in the text and at the end of the paper).
  1. Drafting
  •  Appropriateness of the title with respect to the content of the work.
  • Relevance of the abstract and key words.
  • Clarity, comprehensibility and accuracy of the text.
  • Adjustment of the length to the journal´s publication standards.

The final decision will be one of the following: a) Publish as is; b) Revisions required; c) Resubmit for review; d) Do not publish.

If there is no agreement between the two reviewers, a third will be consulted.

Authors will be informed of the results of the evaluation within three months on average, with an acknowledgement or rejection of the paper or, if applicable, with the corresponding proposal for changes.

When assessing articles, the reviewers are requested to be meticulous, even in matters of form, including typos, correction of quotations, punctuation errors, spaces, accents, etc. This is one of the tasks that the journal appreciates and values very highly in the reviewers’ work, as it recognises the effort that is involved in the reviewing process. The publication rules can be found at the following link:

Guidelines for publication SPANISH

Guidelines for publication PORTUGUESE

Reviewers are kindly requested to submit the report within six weeks at the very latest.

Last but not least, we ask that special care be taken to ensure the manuscript and its content are consistent with the code of ethics and good publication practices to which the journal adheres. 


                                                                       Thank you for your collaboration:

                                                                                                 The Editorial Team



Publication resulting from the collaboration between the University of Cádiz and the Research Group HUM-462 "Professional Development of Teachers".