Misconceptions about the contribution of the fusion of continental ice and sea ice to sea level rise: A proposal for their treatment

Propuesta didáctica para cambiar las ideas alternativas sobre la contribución de la fusión del hielo al aumento del nivel del mar


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Investigaciones sobre y para la práctica en EA y S
Published: 07-12-2020


  • Jaime Carrascosa (ES) Department of Experimental and Social Sciences Teaching
  • Salvador Martínez (ES) Cid campeador secondary school. Valencia
  • Manuel Alonso (ES) Alicante Local Section of the Royal Spanish Physics Society.
  • Juan José Ruiz Ruiz (ES) Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Universitat de València.


Many studies on the theoretical knowledge that the population has about climate change are now available. The results of some of these studies show the existence of confusions and alternative ideas regarding certain phenomena and basic concepts of great importance, which constitute a serious obstacle to a good environmental education. In this paper, one of these ideas, related to the direct impact that the melting of floating ice has on the increase of sea level is studied. Specifically, a first approach is shown regarding its extension and strength among secondary school students and teachers in training. An educational strategy to achieve its change towards the scientifically correct idea, based on the resolution of a problem is also detailed. In such strategy, theoretical contents, experimentation and new technologies are integrated in a functional way.



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