La mujer ante la carrera académica universitaria: cuestiones tras el análisis cualitativo de los datos
The issue of gender equality has been one of the most difficult social struggles throughout history, that occurs in all regions of the world, although not in the same way. The differences between men and women have brought about an awareness of the governments and human rights organizations, which have come out in defense of an equal treatment before the law, that allows the development of everyone regardless of their gender.
There have been many achievements, but there is still a long way. On the one hand we see how investigations are in a quantitative frame, through statistics and staying in a descriptive analysis of the current situation. It would be necessary to go for a thorough analysis and interpretation of those data at a qualitative level. In this article we will use data extracted from the annual report of universities30 to show that something is happening when we talk about women in the university academic career. To do this we will analyze the data from a qualitative approach with an humanist and social vision, in order to deepen the problem and provide solutions, or at least open a new debate that goes beyond the sexist language or gender issues, which in some cases can lead to confuse the rights to equality with the masculinization of women. We specifically mean, in what would be a second issue, that equality should not imply any loss of gender identity, assuming that the lives of men and women should be the same in every aspect. Therefore, we try to address the issue of women in college but without forgetting our identity and assuming that equality must start from the differences to allow each individual to perform at its discretion, without gender implying any limitation or condition for their personal and professional development.
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