A Cognitive Approach to Traditional Oral Poetry: Frames and Scripts in the Jebli Ayyu



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Published: 15-12-2019



In this paper I continue to examine the oral tradition of the Jbala (northern Morocco) from the cognitive perspective. I use the notions of frame (topics or scenes) and script (formulaic language), to demonstrate how the process of poetic creation works in actual time. Fur this purpose, I offer to look at the genre of ayyu, a short improvised oral poetic genre intrinsic to the Jbala region. I start with introductory part, where I briefly introduce the field of cognitive poetics, relevant terminology used by scholars working in this field, and discuss last advances in it. Then I turn to the oral poetry of the Jbala and demonstrate how exactly frames and scripts operate when poetry is performed live. Further, I analyse in detail several frames, typical of Jebli poetry together with the scripts associated with them, and then summarise my findings in the concluding part of the paper.



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How to Cite

GINTSBURG, S. (2019). A Cognitive Approach to Traditional Oral Poetry: Frames and Scripts in the Jebli Ayyu. Al-Andalus Magreb, 26, 17.1–23. https://doi.org/10.25267/AAM.2019.i26.17


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