No 20 (2013): Al-Andalus MAGREB
L'ensemble du numéro
Condicionantes de un diálogo islamo-cristiano en la Europa del siglo XXI. ["Conditions for an Islamo-Christian dialogue in 21st century Europe"]
Zarnab, une drogue énigmatique de la pharmacopée arabo-islamique : proposition d’élucidation. [" Zarnab, an enigmatic drug of the Arab-Islamic pharmacopoeia: a proposal for elucidation"]
Nueva contribución al conocimiento del registro material emiral desde una capital administrativa andalusí: kūrat Bāguh. ["New contribution to the knowledge of the Emirate material record from an Andalusian administrative capital: kūrat Bāguh"]
ˁalāqat al-lawn bi-ṣ-ṣūra aš-šiˁriyya fī šiˁr Ibn Ḫafāǧa al-Andalusī (450-533h.) ["The relationship between colour and the poetic image in the poetry of Ibn Ḫafāğa al-Andalusī (450-533h.)"] [La relación entre el color y la imagen poética en la poesía de Ibn Ḫafāğa al-Andalusī (450-533h.)]
La théorie de l’acte humain dans la pensée ibadite et ašˁarite. ["The theory of the human act in Ibadite and Ašˁarite thought"]
al-ˁarabiyya al-maġribiyya, al-lūġat al-umm āw al-lūġat al-aṣliyya. taˁlīmha f al-madrasa li taḥsīn taṭawwur al-ˁaqliyyāt u mahārāt al-haḏra, al-qrāya w al-kitāba b el-ˁarabiyya el-fuṣḥa ["Moroccan Arabic, mother tongue or native language. Its teaching at school to improve cognitive development and skills in speaking, reading and writing in standard Arabic."]
La ley de asociación en Marruecos: La modificación de 2002. Estudio introductorio y traducción. ["The law of association in Morocco: The 2002 amendment. Introductory study and translation"]
al-ˀafˁāl an-nafsiyya bayn al-waṣf wa-t-tanẓīr [Los verbos de sentimiento. Entre la descripción y la teoría] ["Verbs of feeling. Between description and theory"]
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