Aprendiendo química con golosinas
Las golosinas (caramelos, chicles, nubes, palotes, papas fritas, etc.) nos gustan a casi todos y gozan de una imagen positiva, a pesar de sus efectos secundarios si no se consumen con moderacion. Aprovechandonos de esa buenaimagen y de la gran variedad de golosinas que existen en el mercado, hemos disenado una serie de experimentos con los que podemos explicar distintos tipos de reacciones quimicas (acido-base, oxidacion-reduccion, endotermicas…), la actuacion de un indicador e, incluso, podemos comparar cantidades de vitamina C. En todas las actividades se persigue explicar algun aspecto de la Quimica que, en general, el publico desconoce, captando su atencion, por ejemplo, mediante cambios de color espectaculares y con las golosinas como protagonistas. Asi mismo, estas experiencias pueden emplearse como recursos didacticos para alumnos de 4o E.S.O. y Bachillerato, apoyando los contenidos teoricos del curriculum.
Palabras clave: Caramelos; Equilibrio; Reacción; Ácido; Base; Oxidación; Reducción; Energía de reacción.
Learning Chemistry with candies
Everyone like candies (sweets, chewing gums, chips, snacks, etc.). They have a friendly image in spite of having collateral damages if they are not eaten moderately. Taking advantage of this friendly image and of their huge variety in the market, we have designed seven experiments with which we can explain different types of chemical reactions: acid-base reactions; oxidation-reduction reactions; the gauge intervention; the detection of vitamins; etc. The explanation of each experiment can be adapted to all audiences: children and adults. Moreover, public is attentive because they know the special characteristics of the subject. All these activities have the purpose of explaining some relevant aspects of Chemistry which people generally don't know, attracting their attention by means of amazing changes of colours using candies as the main characters. These activities can be used as teaching resources for 4º E.S.O. and Bachillerato's students, supporting the curriculum's theoretical contents.
Keywords: Candies; Equilibrium; Reaction; Acid; Base; Oxidation; Reduction; Reaction energy.
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