Influence of Concept Cartoons in the academic performance and motivation of Primary School students: The Planet Earth. A Study Case in Albacete (South-eastern Spain).
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pp. 419-440
Science teaching should be approached using a variety of strategies to get closer to more children and achieve deeper learning. Among these strategies are Concept Cartoons, which are sparsely used in Spanish schools. This research evaluates its influence on motivation and conceptual learning of children in the third year of primary education, in a public school in Albacete (South-Eastern Spain), compared with the traditional method based on the textbook. Children (43) have been divided into two groups (experimental and control). Both filled in two questionnaires (motivation and knowledge) before and after the experience. Results show that motivation records are not modified by the teaching style in this study case. Nevertheless, although both groups improved performance after lessons, there are statistically significant differences in scores, in favor of those learning with Concept CartoonsKeywords
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