Learning difficulties of cartesian graphic representations associated with population biology in high school students. A semiotic analysis


Article abstract page views:  2499  


Fundamentals and current research lines
pp. 36-52
Published: 24-10-2015



High school students present difficulties using and interpreting the information provided by Graphical Representations Cartesian (RGC), consider these central to the teaching and learning at the dynamical processes at biological sciences in general and Population Biology (BP) in particular. From the conception of the RGC as semiotic systems, such difficulties are analyzed through cognitive activities that characterize any representation, namely, training, treatment and conversion. The research was carried out in Mendoza, Argentina, and comprised two stages; the first, held the diagnosis of student interaction (13-14 years) with RGC used to teach structural concepts BP; and in a second stage, the results of applying a teaching Intervention centered on the difficulties diagnosed in the previous phase are analyzed (students aged 16-17). It was noted that essentially the greatest difficulties found in the activities linked to semiosis about treatment and conversion, impacting on the construction of biological concepts.



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Author Biographies

Eugenia Cristina Artola

Profesora de Matematica, Fisica y Cosmografia; Licenciada en Matematica y Posgrado en Docencia de Nivel Superior. Cursa actualmente el Doctorado en Ensenanza de las Ciencias y la Tecnologia de la Universidad de Granada. Se desempena como docente de Matematicaen la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo ( UNCuyo) y Universidad de Mendoza.

Liliana Esther Mayoral

Profesora de Biologia y Doctora en Ensenanza de las Ciencias y la Tecnologia por la Universidad de Granada. Se desempena como Profesora Titular en educacion Secundaria y Universitaria.Integrante del Comite de Olimpiadas Argentinas de Ciencias Junior.

Alicia Benarroch

Licenciada en Quimica y Doctora en ensenanza de las Ciencias por la Universidad de Granada, donde trabaja desde 1998. Ha impartido docencia de grado y posgrado en numerosas universidades espanolas y latinoamericanas. Es asesora de revistas especializadas en Ensenanza de las Ciencias. Cuenta con numerosas tesis de doctorado dirigidas, libros y articulos en Ensenanza de las Ciencias.