Priorities and needs of teachers or group leader visiting an Interactive Science Museum


Article abstract page views:  594  


Fundamentals and current research lines
pp. 511-526
Published: 19-03-2016



The considerations of teachers or groups leaders that visit an Interactive Science Museum are an important factor to improve the non-formal learning in science. To do this, a questionnaire was developed and it was supplied to 218 teachers or group leaders to obtain outstanding information about objectives, pre-visit and post-visit activities, contents of the curriculum contemplated, positive aspects and that they would like to make in the next visit. It’s remarkable the inclusion of school groups of compulsory education, formal education groups such as High School, Vocational Training, Special Education, Adult Education and University as well as social groups like NGOs promoting a research for everyone in an interactive learning space.



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Author Biographies

Anastasia Porta Vales

Profesora de Biología y Geología de Secundaria.Doctoranda Didácticas de las Ciencias Experimentales (ULPGC).Línea: Aprendizaje no formal de las Ciencias.

Mª Carmen Mato Carrodeguas

Catedrática de la ULPGCDoctroa en CC. QuímicasCoordinadora del Dpto. de Didácticas Especiales y del Grupo de Investigación en Didácticas Específicas de la ULPGC