Does Model-based Learning keep students actives and with sustained attention?



Fundamentals and current research lines
Published: 20-07-2022


  • Andre Perticarrari (BR) Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, IFSP, campus São Paulo.
  • Aline Oliveira Figueiredo (BR) Departamento de Ciências e Matemática, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, campus São Paulo, Brasil


Among several active teaching approaches, we have Model-based Learning (MBL). Many neuroscience studies have demonstrated the relationship between brain functioning and MBL, the role of active engagement, attention, and error in learning. However, no research relates the latter 3 to the use of MBL. Our aimed was to see if the use of the MBL approach, coupled with an investigative teaching sequence, provides active student engagement, triggering attention and error-based feedback mechanisms. We verified, in the results, the active engagement, attention, and feedback from the errors, and concluded that MBL, associated with investigative teaching, promotes active engagement triggering sustained attention; and the error and feedback play a key role in this process, keeping students engaged in solving and completing the tasks.


Model-based Learning, active engagement, sustained attention, error, feedback.


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