Validation of a questionnaire about Environmental Literacy through expert judgement.
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Present and future socio-environmental problems force us to undertake urgent strategies to prepare a critical, responsible and resilient citizenry, hence environmental education in and for degrowth becomes relevant. We consider the commitment of the educational system to be a key element in citizen training, as well as preservice teachers, whose environmental literacy seems to be poor.
The work presented reflects how an instrument has been designed and validated by expert judgement that aims to detect the degree of environmental literacy of future Early Childhood and Primary Education teachers based on three environmental dimensions: a) knowledge and skills, b) attitudes and emotions and c) behaviours. Each of them is made up of categories and sub-categories.
After the pertinent evaluations and modifications, the statistical reliability of the instrument was analysed by carrying out a pilot test with preservice teachers. Finally, a validated questionnaire has been obtained which includes 88 items, to assess the degree of Environmental Literacy in preservice teachers in Early Childhood and Primary Education.
Keywords: Environmental Literacy; preservice teachers; questionnaire; validation; expert judgement.
Copyright (c) 2022 Alicia Guerrero Fernández, Fátima Rodríguez Marín , Emilio Solís Ramírez , José Eduardo García Díaz
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