About the Journal

Focus and scope

Hachetetepé. Scientific journal of Education and Communication (http) is a national and international interdisciplinary publication of a scientific-academic and informative nature and its aim is to promote and disseminate knowledge among specialists in education, communication, social and other related areas of knowledge. In this sense, it deals with subjects related to communication, the media, social issues or ICT applied to education and which mainly deal with projects, research, reflections, proposals or experience. Papers must be original and unpublished and are published in Spanish, English or Portuguese.  It also aims to promote the exchange and development of ideas and scientific work in the field of education, communication, social, audiovisual, computer and advanced technology and their relations applied to the educational field.

On the other hand, the journal is divided in three sections: a monograph, articles and reviews:

  1. 1.Monographs: must be requested in advance (see guidelines for authors).
  2. 2.Articles: related to the topic and focusing on empirical and theoretical research, experiences or proposals.
  3. 3.Reviews of books that have been recently published and are in the editorial line of the journal.[From 2022 no reviews will be accepted].

Likewise, the http journal works towards scholars, researchers, members of the socio-educational community and undergraduate and graduate students interested in the fields of education-communication and technologies applied to education.

In order to achieve and maintain the quality of the publication, as well as impartiality and ethics towards the articles received, these will be evaluated by blind external reviewers (peer-review) endorsed as experts in the subject and following the publication standards of the APA (American Psychological Association).

The journal is published in electronic format (e-ISSN: 2172-7929) and the published works are identified by means of the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).

Peer review process

The article review process goes through several phases:

  1. 1.Firstly, the work is analyzed by the editorial board which complies with the journal's subject matter as well as checked according to the journal's style guidelines. In addition, it will be analyzed for any plagiarism (Turnitin). In case it does not match, the article will be rejected.
  2. 2.The work is sent to two anonymous evaluators and a specialist in the subject matter to be reviewed through the double-blind procedure (guidelines for reviewers). For its possible publication there must be two positive reports. In the case of one positive and a negative one, another reviewer would be selected.Although the graph indicates that it takes approximately 30-70 days, sometimes reviewers carry out the reviews in a shorter time, which speeds up the process. On other occasions, however, the situation is reversed: reviewers do not meet the deadlines of the evaluation process. In any case, the editorial team ensures that these deadlines and the quality criteria are met.
  3. 3.After the review, the editorial board analyses the reports and informs the authors, including the reasons and the opinion for their acceptance, review or rejection of the articles presented.

 Frequency of publication

The magazine publishes two issues a year corresponding to the months of May and November.

From issue 22 onwards, Hachetetepé Journal will promote preprinting. That is: once the article is accepted after peer review and layout, it will be published to promote its wider dissemination.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle of providing free access to researchers, helping to increase the global exchange and promotion of knowledge.


The journal maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished and original, as well as not previously published in another format (in whole or in part), or are involved in any evaluation process or awaiting a decision by another publication or journal. We use the service on all documents that have passed the editorial classification process and are eligible for blind peer review. In this sense, the contributions are intended to be unpublished, through Crossref, and there are also tools to detect plagiarism and to do so, we use Turnitin.
As for the process, first the article or review is passed through Turnintin to see if there is any plagiarism by similarity. If it has a percentage greater than 25% the proposal is withdrawn and commented on to the author or authors. and it is possible to send the article to the author or authors to explain and clarify the situation.

Ethical statement

The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct for publishers of scientific journals established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) https://publicationethics.org/


Originality and plagiarism: The authors assume that the manuscripts submitted to the journal are original works, which implies that they ensure that they do not contain parts of other authors or fragments of works already published by their own and other authors without indicating the source. They also make an ethical commitment by confirming the veracity of the data and the non-alteration of empirical data to verify hypotheses or research objectives.

Multiple or repetitive publications: The originality of the work means that it must not include data that are repeated in other scientific publications. Simultaneous submission of the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered ethically incorrect and reprehensible.

List of sources: Papers must include the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article. It is the responsibility of each author to specify them in accordance with intellectual property law.

Authorship: The authors must guarantee the inclusion of those persons who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualisation and planning of the work, as well as in the interpretation of the results and in the writing of the article. To this end, from issue 23 of this journal, in the case of multiple authorship, the contribution that each author has made to the work must be indicated.

Access and retention: If the editors consider it appropriate in the interests of transparency and research assurance, authors may be asked for the sources or data on which the research is based, always respecting ethical codes. However, a reasonable criterion of time and accessibility after publication will be observed.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: As with the journal reviewers, authors are required to declare explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. Likewise, authors may specify any funding from agency or project resources that have contributed to the research.

Errors in published articles: During the publication process, even afterwards, if an author identifies an important error or inaccuracy in his/her article, he/she should communicate it to the editors of the journal and provide them with all the necessary information for its modification and to replace the error in the article. For this purpose, the guidelines established by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-guias-para-la-retractacion.pdf) .To this end, a space has been provided to explain the retraction policy that will be implemented starting with issue 27: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/hachetetepe/retractacion

Responsibility: All authors are jointly responsible for the research and accept responsibility for what they have written. The authors are committed to updating their knowledge by reviewing the current and relevant scientific literature on the subject analysed, taking into account the different currents of knowledge in a pluralistic manner.

Research involving human subjects: All submissions containing reports of research involving human subjects must provide a supporting document for review by the Research Ethics Committee or other research ethics bodies, as well as a reference in the text. For this, consult international ethical guidelines (Declaration of Helsinki, International Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects - CIOMS ). These guidelines emphasise the need for ethical and scientific review of research involving human subjects, with the aim of safeguarding the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the research subject. In this sense, if the research involves human subjects, the following document must be uploaded to the platform together with the article. This policy applies as from issue 25 (2022)

Editorial board: The authors of the editorial board may publish in the journal. In this case, they follow the evaluation processes established by the journal, with special attention to anonymity and quality criteria. In order for this to be done, the article will be assigned to another person on the editorial board to provide editorial oversight and no conflict of interest.


Contribution to the editorial decision: Peer review is a procedure that helps editors to make decisions on proposed articles and also allows the author to improve the contribution submitted for publication. The reviewers assume the absence of conflict of interest and the commitment to carry out a critical, honest, constructive and unbiased review of both the scientific and literary quality of the writing in the field of their knowledge and skills.

Respect for deadlines: Any reviewer who does not feel competent in the subject matter to be reviewed or who is unable to complete the evaluation in the scheduled time will immediately notify the editors. The reviewers are committed to evaluate the papers within the deadlines set by the journal, with the intention of reducing the limits of custody of the manuscripts waiting, which are limited and inflexible out of respect for the authors and their work.

Confidentiality: The confidentiality of each article requires that the texts are not discussed or commented on with others without the express consent of the editors.

Objectivity: Peer review will be conducted in an objective manner. No personal judgement of the authors of the contributions is considered appropriate. The reviewers are obliged to give consistent reasons for their assessments. The reviewers will deliver a critical and formative report with appropriate references according to http review protocol and the public regulations for reviewers; especially if it is proposed that the work be rejected. They are obliged to warn the editors of any incidents concerning the originality or plagiarism of the work that may have already been published or were under review for another publication.

Text display: Reviewers may indicate those bibliographic references to key works that have not been included by the author. Each reviewer must also inform the editors of any similarities or overlaps of the manuscript with other published works.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Reviewers must indicate the absence of conflicts of interest with the assigned manuscript. Confidential information or information obtained during the peer review process must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal purposes.


Publication decision: The editors will ensure the selection of the most scientifically qualified and specialist reviewers to give a critical and expert appraisal of the work, with as little bias as possible. Http will assign 2 or 3 reviewers to ensure objectivity in the review process.

Honesty: The editors will evaluate the articles received for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the contents, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion of the authors.

Confidentiality: The editors and members of the working group undertake not to disclose information concerning articles submitted for publication to persons other than authors, reviewers or editors. The editors and the Editorial Board are committed to the confidentiality of manuscripts, so that anonymity preserves intellectual integrity throughout the process.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Conflict of interest and disclosure: Editors agree not to use content from articles received for publication in their research without the written consent of the author. To this end, editors must sign the following document.

Respect for deadlines: The editors are ultimately responsible for compliance with the review process and the publication of accepted papers. to ensure a rapid dissemination of their results. They are firmly committed to comply with the times published by the journal: at first, the editors between a period of 1 to 7 days in the estimation/rejection from the receipt of the manuscript in the Review Platform, and subsequently, between 30 to 70 days approximately from the beginning of the scientific peer review process. Likewise, from issue 22 onwards, accepted papers will be published in preprint to favor wider dissemination.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

For further information, please read our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.

Use of interoperability protocols

Hachetetepé. Scientific journal of education and communication uses the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) which allows the transfer of digital resources, mainly scientific and of free access. It is available at: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/hachetetepe/oai 

Digital preservation policies

Through OJS (Open Journal System), the journal has an archiving system that guarantees its digital preservation. Specifically, this journal has activated the PKP PN (https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-pn/en/ ). The archived issues can be consulted in the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto ( https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/hachetetepe/gateway/lockss). In this way, articles are progressively archived, ensuring that the stored digital information can remain and continue to be used in the future. 
On the other hand, a copy of all the journal's pdf files are stored in RODIN, REDALYC, DIALNET...
Finally, the journal publishes an XML version of each article, which allows it to be exported to formats other than PDF, which currently exist or may appear in the future.


The publication costs of the journal are subsidized by the Publications Service of the University of Cadiz.


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