Scientific production on Artificial Intelligence and education: a scientometric analysis




Published: 01-03-2024



A scientometric analysis of the Web Of Science database is proposed, which will allow us to know the state of the art of the artificial intelligence-education binomial. The methodology took into account five stages: collection, extraction, analysis, visualisation and interpretation. The sample consisted of all scientific productions from the first appearance of the list of terms until 2022, with a total of 979 documents. The analysis focused on chronology, chronology by type of document, geographical, editorial, institutional and linguistic production of indexes referring to articles, reviews and conference proceedings, as well as analysing compliance with various laws of scientific production: law of exponential growth (Price, 1963), law of author productivity (Lotka, 1926) and law of dispersion (Bradford, 1985).. The results show that production is in an exponential phase, that there is a high percentage of independent research lacking institutional support and that the records on the subject comply with several laws of scientific production. This will allow a first approximation for the identification of trends and subsequent decision-making based on data in order to continue or discard the opening of various theoretical and/or empirical lines of research.



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How to Cite

Casanova Pistón, A., & Martínez Domínguez, M. (2024). Scientific production on Artificial Intelligence and education: a scientometric analysis. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (28), 1102.

Author Biographies

Azahara Casanova Pistón, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir

Higher education lecturer. Information and Communication Technologies. Bachelor's degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education since 2011. Previously, freelance management in research and development in the educational field with ICT. Doctorate in Educational Research and Development. 2017. Master's Degree in Research for University Teaching (2015). Master's in Philosophy (2021). Own Master's Degree in New Educational Environments (2008).

Mónica Martínez Domínguez, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir

Higher education teacher in the Master of Technological Innovation at the UCV (currently). Primary education and foreign language teacher (currently). Educational advisor Educational Digital Plan in the Valencian Community (2021-2024). Graphic, web and educational resources designer. Master in e-learning (UOC). Degree in Graphic Design EASD (Valencia) Degree in Teaching, specialty of English language.


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