Multimodality as an interdisciplinary methodology in music and audiovisuals. Proposals for the classroom
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The interdisciplinarity among film, video games, audiovisuals, and music reflects the diversity of the contemporary world, generating rich and complex discourses. Multimodality emerges as an approach and analytical methodology enabling interdisciplinary exploration among the diverse arts comprising the audiovisual realm. In this article, we focus on music, sound, and their presence in audiovisuals as a fully interdisciplinary activity, it encompasses both image and sound, and establishing the theoretical parameters of multimodality and its role in different audiovisual products. Subsequently, various pedagogical proposals centered on the sonic and musical dimensions of audiovisuals are presented, which can be implemented in both primary and secondary education. In conclusion, integrating multimodality into formal education provides students with the skills to understand and critically analyze audiovisual language, which is a fundamental part of their daily lives and contributes to the development of their identity and knowledge of the world.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adrien Faure-Carvallo, Sergio Nieto-Fernández, Josep Gustems-Carnicer, Diego Calderón-Garrido
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