Educational processes and the right to education: a perspective from the narratives of a Haitian woman in Brazil about the teaching exercise



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Published: 14-05-2020



This article aims to reflect on the identity of the teacher who teaches for Haitian students in Brazil. From the narratives of a Haitian living in the northwestern region of Paraná, it was possible to define some elements that characterize the way of life in Haiti and the reasons for emigrating, comparing the identity of the teacher in Haiti and Brazil, and, finally, identifying essential characteristics that the teacher who works with immigrant students should have. We identified that the teacher who works with immigrants needs to understand that these students, in addition to graduating, they need to break the barrier of survival. Therefore, we highlight the importance of thinking about humanized teacher training processes, which contemplate the diversity, multiculturalism and uniqueness of the subjects in the training processes, especially those victimized by social vulnerability.


Narratives, Haitian migration, right to education, teacher training.


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How to Cite

Giroto, G., & Peloso, F. C. (2020). Educational processes and the right to education: a perspective from the narratives of a Haitian woman in Brazil about the teaching exercise. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (20), 93–99.


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