Portraits of pregnant women of the Tabajara people. Photographing women's health knowledge in Aldeia do Forte



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Published: 01-11-2019


  • Agda Patrícia Pontes Aquino (BR) Universidad Estadual da Paraíba


This is a photo article that brings, in its set of images, a story of women from the indigenous tribe of the Potiguara people of Aldeia do Forte, from the small Brazilian city of Baía da Traição, located in the coastal region of northeastern Brazil. Faced with a brief textual reflection, the photographic essay reveals the colors, the force of rituals, the tradition and the popular knowledge of a people who resist and survive hundreds of years ago in Brazil. The power of these images is really in what they illustrate, in the women heirs of the native peoples of the country and who bring in their wombs those who already carry with them: the mission to continue surviving.


Photography, woman, indigenous people, health.


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How to Cite

Aquino, A. P. P. (2019). Portraits of pregnant women of the Tabajara people. Photographing women’s health knowledge in Aldeia do Forte. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (19), 75–84. https://doi.org/10.25267/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2019.v2.i19.9


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