The advantages of positive paternity as an emerging value, a factor of social transformation and change in the paradigm of hegemonic men



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Published: 01-11-2017


  • Ritxar Bacete González (ES) Universidad del País Vasco


The study of paternal roles and its significance for men in our society, as well as changes in identity from a social, economic, cultural and relational transformation point of view, is a huge and complex task. But it was not until the late 20th and early 21st century when we started to find research on the phenomenon of the roles played by men as fathers and the impact this had on family dynamics and also on society as a whole. And now, we have more scientific evidence of the advantages posed by expressive models of masculinity in fatherhood, for both girls and boys, as well as the empowerment processes for females within parenting couples. We must bear in mind that fathers by absence or presence, provide identity models of reference on what it is to be a man, which will produce profound effects that will last a lifetime, especially in the construction of identities and life expectations for their daughters as well as their sons. This critical perspective of reality shows us, that the involvement of men in raising a child and reproductive work, is a key factor in the transformation of reality to social paradigms and a fairer and more egalitarian relationship.


Paternity, masculinity, equality, identity.


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How to Cite

Bacete González, R. (2017). The advantages of positive paternity as an emerging value, a factor of social transformation and change in the paradigm of hegemonic men. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (15), 51–63.


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