Mobile phone: a tool that can serve as a support for the teaching of English in the public educational system in Costa Rica.



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Published: 01-05-2017


  • M.A Natin Guzmán Arce (CR) Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
  • M.A. Vivian Vargas Barquero (CR) Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


This article presents the usefulness of the mobile device as a tool that can support the teaching of the English language in the Costa Rican public system. This paper aims on the use of the mobile phone not only as a source of information, but also as a didactic resource to integrate cooperative learning, self-autonomy, authenticity, creativity and critical thinking. Departing from the current governmental initiatives to implement technological tools in the English class, this work offers an integrative and innovative methodology for the English teacher in the public sector. This methodology focuses on the model of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) that intends to adjust and integrate to the available technological tools, classroom settings and students’ needs and interest.


Mobile apparatuses, Costa Rican public educational system, m-learning, connectivity, web learning


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How to Cite

Guzmán Arce, M. N., & Vargas Barquero, M. V. (2017). Mobile phone: a tool that can serve as a support for the teaching of English in the public educational system in Costa Rica. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (14), 123–134. Retrieved from


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