The secret voice of the illustration: A proposal for Image Education



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Published: 01-05-2014



In a society ruled by the hegemony of the images, we believe that taking a pause to reflect on the impact of the visual message on the persona’s development comes as a necessity. On the production of images there is no innocence involved. The visual message always hides particular discourses and meanings, which are used as mechanisms of mental and emotional manipulation, which are often coming as surreptitious for us. In consequence, it is evident the necessity of developing on the individual the ability to read the visual media in a more critical way. The illustrated album, versus the urge of the media’s message, offers us the possibility to educate our children on a world of images in a much more relaxed, reflexive and affective way, drawing a wonderful path towards the consciousness, reading and interpretation of the visual message 


Intonation, teaching, melodic contour, Spanish varieties


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How to Cite

Tomasi, S. (2014). The secret voice of the illustration: A proposal for Image Education. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (8), 24–42. Retrieved from


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