The Education Partner Radio



Article abstract page views:  397  


Published: 01-11-2012


  • María Luisa Sevillano García (ES) Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


As a principal objective we propose to research the educative dimensions that radio has integrated in its programs as an important part of its social function. Valuable experiences in the past show that there are new inroads to be made in formative fields. The medium of radio with educative ends is a valid tool that that helps support educative and formative endeavors within society. We shall sum up the historic role educative radio has played within an institutional framework and how it attempts to compete with commercial radio. Radio as a medium can be a great help in career training and for educative purposes. Its principal goal is to regenerate itself as an educative medium through creative processes. Its future is linked to the necessity to rethink its role within distinct training areas.


Radio, education, curricular programming, school radio.


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How to Cite

Sevillano García, M. L. (2012). The Education Partner Radio. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (5), 13–27. Retrieved from


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