School on the Radio, and Radio in School. A Educative Initiative So as to promote Reading



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Published: 01-11-2012


  • Carmen Álvarez Álvarez (ES) Universidad de Cantabría
  • Juan José Lage Fernández (ES) Fundador y director de la revista LIJ "Platero"



 This article sets out to the relevance of initiatives that seek to promote reading. Within this context, radio is a good ally. This has been proven in an innovative project developed in a public school in Asturias where schooling and radio have found a common goal; to promote reading skills within schooling and social framework. Through the work of an expert in children’s and juvenile literature, this initiative has been made possible by setting up annual seminars on radio and literature within the school domain. These forums are a means of promoting a relevant educative innovation that favour the promotion of reading skills within the pupils, their families, and society in general. 


Radio, school, primary education, promoting reading skills, educative innovation.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Álvarez, C., & Lage Fernández, J. J. (2012). School on the Radio, and Radio in School. A Educative Initiative So as to promote Reading. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (5), 105–113.


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