Libraries as a Means of Social Learning for People with Visual Disabilities



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Published: 02-05-2012


  • Jesús Alberto Andrade (VE) Revista Venezolana de Información, Tecnología y Conocimiento
  • Ana Judith Paredes (VE) Universidad del Zulia


The aim of this work is to conceptualize the experience of information service for people with visual disabilities. This was developed through the Library Services, University of Zulia (SERBILUZ) in Venezuela. The emergent dynamics of social networks on Internet and the appropriation of the WEB 2.0 require library staff with transliteration technology skills. This work analyses the responsibility of information professionals to provide services that foment critical thinking. For this reason, it is necessary that libraries assume the commitment to create social webs that allow the development of higher processes of critical learning where the participants with visual disabilities can appropriate these new technologies for social ends.


Libraries, transliteration, SERBILUZ, social networks, learning


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How to Cite

Andrade, J. A., & Paredes, A. J. (2012). Libraries as a Means of Social Learning for People with Visual Disabilities. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (4), 63–74.


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